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Create a Seamless Smart Home Experience with Home Automation Control


Turn Your Home into a Smart Haven

Home automation control in Hawaii allows you to adjust the shades, turn on the lights, play your favorite jams, and set the temperature just by tapping a button or saying a quick voice command. By syncing all your smart devices, a home automation installer creates a smart home that makes everyday tasks much simpler. 

Below, we discuss some of the most common questions about home automation control systems. Keep reading to learn how you can turn your home into a smart retreat with just a few steps.

SEE ALSO: Top 4 Things to Love About Home Automation

What is a Smart Hub?

A smart hub is the brain of your home automation system. It’s the central spot that connects all your smart devices for them to work together. At Control Freaks Hawaii, we love Control4 and Crestron. Both of these brands offer simple control interfaces that allow you to view and manage your entire house. 

Can I Control My Lighting?

When smart bulbs and switches are integrated into your home control platform, you can manage your lights using your smartphone or voice assistant. You can also set schedules for your lights to turn on and off or use motion sensors to illuminate a room based on occupancy. This is a great way to cut down on unnecessary electricity usage and lower your power bill. 

How Do I Control My Climate?

Smart thermostats are perfect for managing your home’s climate. They’ll learn your schedule and raise or lower the temperature to your preferences. When integrated with motorized shades, your thermostat will automatically adjust in accordance with daylight levels. 

Does Home Automation Enhance Security?

A centralized home automation platform allows you to check in on your home from anywhere in the world. Surveillance cameras send alerts when suspicious individuals approach your home, and smart doorbells allow you to address delivery people and dog walkers when they arrive. Additionally, your smart home control system lets you lock or unlock your doors remotely and even gives temporary access to guests. 

What Can Home Automation Do for Streamlining Entertainment?

By integrating your TV, sound system, and streaming devices into your home automation hub, you can control everything with just your voice or a tap on a smart device. You can also create entertainment scenes, such as a "Party Mode" that turns on the TV, plays your favorite music, and dims the lights to set the perfect mood. 

Can I Set Up Routines and Automation? 

With home automation control, you can set up all types of routines to make your life easier. Create a “Morning” routine that turns on the lights, starts your coffee maker, and gives you the latest news. Enjoy a “Goodnight” routine that turns off the lights, secures the doors, and adjusts the temperature.

With the right devices, you can turn your home into a space that matches your daily needs. Interested in learning more? Contact our team to schedule a consultation. Just fill out our online form or chat with us below.

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