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Does Your Home Theater Design Stand Out or Fall Flat?


A Few Tips to Bring You That Next-Level Look

If you’re still passing most of your days at home, you deserve spaces that look and feel less confining. We can’t think of a more relaxing place to retreat than an attractive entertainment area that lets you escape after a long day.

Some home theater designs we’ve seen lately bypass the traditional look or customize it to meet the customer’s aesthetic. While many people still envision the single-screen concept with clean rows of cineplex-style chairs, 2020’s media spaces invite us to get creative for Makena, HI, clients and make truly memorable projects along the way. Curious to see what you can implement in your theater? Read on!


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The CEDIA 2019 Trends We’re Watching for Home Media Rooms


The CEDIA Expo took place last month in Denver, and everyone in this industry is still reeling from the extravagant sights and sounds we saw there. One of our favorite takeaways from this event was in home theater innovations. After all, who could resist the allure of massive screens and immersive, Dolby-Atmos enabled audio?

Even if you missed CEDIA, we at Control Freaks Hawaii can deliver the best and brightest technology right to your Kihei, Hawaii, home. Keep reading to see which trends in home media rooms we loved and why we can’t wait to show them off firsthand.

SEE ALSO: 3 Simple Design Tips for a Home Theater You’ll Love

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How Can Motorized Shades Boost Your Design and Entertainment?


Motorized shades might not come to mind when you think of lifestyle and entertainment features you can add to your smart home. Though they can’t boast the flashiness and pure entertainment value of your 8K TV, you’ll learn what an integral part they play if you try to complete a smart home without them.

Are motorized window treatments the missing piece to your integrated home? As you’ll learn in this blog, they can fulfill your design and entertainment goals in unexpected ways. Read on to see why we recommend them.

SEE ALSO: Harvest the Daylight in Your Home!

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