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3 Unique Perks of a Low-Voltage Electrical Installation


When we talk about lighting, we often talk about how it looks and functions within the home as well as its plentiful benefits. However, we don’t discuss its electrical setup as much -- the foundation upon which many of these exciting smart home innovations are built. Whether you’re building a new home or retrofitting one, you’ll want to know more about this process.

Control Freaks Hawaii is not just a reputable integrator -- we perform electrical installation services that tie it all together. One area in which you’ll see multiple benefits from the integration and automation worlds merging is in low-voltage lighting, but it’s hard to find both of those talents within one company. Explore how our designated electrical team can help you, and three significant benefits an expertly laid low-voltage installation could have for your Maui, HI, home.

SEE ALSO: Does Your Home Need an Electrical Upgrade?

  4077 Hits

Let’s Debunk Some Motorized Window Treatment Myths!


When we’ve discussed motorized window treatments before, we’ve talked about some of their benefits, from cost savings to design. Homeowners and business managers alike praise how they save energy year-round and preserve more sunlight during cloudy winter months and complement their design goals year-round.

However, you might still have some reservations before making this purchase, partly due to widespread rumors you could have possibly heard from people who tried an inferior product from a less detail-oriented integrator.

Still on the fence about motorized shades and how they’d fit into your Lahaina, HI, home? We’ve outlined four of the most common myths about them to show you why they’re still one of the most versatile, secretly powerful automation investments available today. Read on!

SEE ALSO: 4 Lutron Motorized Shades You Can Try in Your Home

  4471 Hits

Smart Home Security Elements to Add This Holiday Season


Upgrading your Maui, HI, home has never been so simple - or so complicated. On one hand, smart home security devices and systems grow more sophisticated every year, which streamlines operations within your home. But this also means you see a dizzying number of products to choose from, including the infamous DIY offerings that might not fully protect you.

The time leading up to the holidays provides the perfect season to add smart security to your integrated home. For example, during this time, we start to see a rapid uptick in preventable crime, like package theft, and more home fires from cooking and fireplace mismanagement.

In this blog, we drill down into some solutions we recommend to not only prepare your home for safe, happy hosting but also future proof your space for a new decade. Keep reading below for more!

SEE ALSO: Automate the Heart of Your Home with a Smart Kitchen!

  3038 Hits

How Can Motorized Shades Boost Your Design and Entertainment?


Motorized shades might not come to mind when you think of lifestyle and entertainment features you can add to your smart home. Though they can’t boast the flashiness and pure entertainment value of your 8K TV, you’ll learn what an integral part they play if you try to complete a smart home without them.

Are motorized window treatments the missing piece to your integrated home? As you’ll learn in this blog, they can fulfill your design and entertainment goals in unexpected ways. Read on to see why we recommend them.

SEE ALSO: Harvest the Daylight in Your Home!

  3137 Hits

3 Can’t-Miss Benefits of Residential Climate Control


We are lucky enough to live in Kihei, Hawaii, where we enjoy warm weather and sunny skies nearly every day of the year. So you might be surprised to learn that you can still reap the same benefits and more from residential climate control systems as someone living in the snowy mountains of Vermont. Since our weather is temperate throughout the year, as opposed to the “peaks and valleys” much of the continental U.S. experiences, we see incremental benefits year-round.

We’re here to show you some unique, perhaps unexpected facts about the importance of residential HVAC automation and how Control Freaks Hawaii can help you manage your smart home’s temperature. Discover more by reading below.

SEE ALSO: A Few Ways to Save Energy With Smart Climate Control

  3223 Hits

3 Reasons to Enlist a Home Automation Company


Every day, we see a new integrated home technology emerge in a big box store. Security systems, lighting control and others arrive on shelves and promise comprehensive solutions for Lahaina, HI, smart homes. However, none of these standalone products boasts the reliability, scalability or convenience of a professionally installed, fully supported smart home that Control Freaks Hawaii custom-builds for clients like you. Keep reading to understand why working with a home automation company surpasses a DIY install every time.

SEE ALSO: How Control4 Smart Home Technology Can Improve Your Home

  3416 Hits

Stuck at Home? Don’t Miss These Outdoor Entertainment Ideas!


We can all agree that social distancing has changed some aspects of our lifestyle, from our ability to freely roam around Maui to our tourism slowdown. At this point, shopping centers and restaurants are reopening, but it’s still less safe to go out than it used to be.

Many people still choose to spend most of their time at home, but it can get old staying cooped up within your four walls. We know you probably miss the carefree shopping and movie theater nights; however, with some creativity and help from a professional, you could have fun options even closer to you. Keep reading to uncover some outdoor entertainment ideas that will help you and your family stay happy and healthy at your Hawaii home.

SEE ALSO: How to Optimize Your Outdoor Entertainment Setup

Pool Movie Night

  3228 Hits

Smart Home Security Myths You Need to Know


We can all agree that so much feels uncertain right now. However, one element that everyone can control is their home security. Though stats generally reported lower crime throughout the pandemic, increased home time drove bigger investments in DIY and professional smart home security products in April and May.

One of the risks that perpetuates Lahaina, HI, homeowners’ vulnerability to crime is a lack of accurate information. Many of these assumptions find their way into our thoughts and practices, deluding us into believe we’re safer than we are, or that specific circumstances will protect us when they will, in fact, endanger us. If you want to learn what we mean and how to best protect your family and property, keep reading.

SEE ALSO: Smart Home Security Elements to Add Soon

  2697 Hits

4 Ways to Enhance Your Smart Home Design


You’ve spent more time this year looking at your four walls than you usually do, and sometimes that view gets a bit stale. During these last few months, many homeowners have seen their Kona, Hawaii, homes in a completely new light: The increased exposure caused many of us to explore upgrade opportunities, paint the walls a different color, or look into a higher-performance internet service.

You might assume -- and reasonably so -- that adding technology might clutter or otherwise mar your smart home design. But when we look more closely, you’ll find that strategic use does wonders for your design goals, whether you’re fond of traditional looks or ultra-modern themes. We’ll explain how integrated technology, when well designed, improves how your residence functions AND looks.

SEE ALSO: Still Stuck at Home? Don’t Miss These Outdoor Entertainment Ideas!

Minimize Wires

  3120 Hits

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